Clubs, Groups and Societies

We have designed Clubs, Groups and Societies especially for associations or organisations dedicated to a particular interest or activity.



We can meet the insurance needs for the following activities.
  • Office and administration work and storing your property
  • Attending trade shows, exhibitions, conferences, meetings and seminars
  • Firework displays and bonfire events, as long as no more than 100 people will be attending 
  • Fundraising events (other than firework displays or bonfire events), as long as no more than 1,000 people will be attending
  • Recreational activities, such as sports, games and hobbies
  • Selling goods (including second-hand goods) as part of the above activities and for the benefit of your organisation
If you need cover for any extra, excluded or similar activities, we may be able to provide cover if you give us details of the activities. 

Why choose Clubs, Groups and Societies

Answers to your questions

Clubs, Groups and Societies brochure

Clubs, Groups and Societies policy wording

How to guide

Migration of policies FAQs

We are now starting the migration of policies on our older charity products, to this exciting new offering.