Our Time

Our Time supports children whose parents have a mental illness. They help them build resilience and confidence, so they can reach their full potential.

One in three children has a parent with poor mental health. More than one in ten children have a parent with a severe mental illness. These young people face unique challenges, often struggling at school and facing disruption at home and they are three times more likely to develop a mental health difficulty themselves.
The Our Time schools programme empowers pupils and teachers to understand parental mental illness, and helps teachers recognise students who have a parent with poor mental health. They give the teachers the confidence to support these young people, with training and resources for lessons.
Their approach is low-cost and effective. One pupil, whose father had a mental illness, told them: “When I was taught about mental illness, I knew what was happening, and how to try to prevent him from feeling sad”. 
Between 2022 and 2025, they plan to reach nearly 200 schools - that’s over 12,000 pupils.
Find out more here